Welcome to Bumbeez Family and Friends.
A group of fans for every Collection - whether they're 'Livn' Large' showing off the bold luxury collar, showing their Aura or just a Sexy Beast with lots of Moxie, they share the Freedom of Love, Diversity and Culture in our special luxury collections or . . . just being the Best Family Friend In The World.


Bella & Lucy . . .
'The Girly Girls of Orange County' and
Protectors of their "Kassel". The Purple Moon A'Glo design, from the Crown Jewel Collection, fit only for these Princess Royalties while holding court.
Lotte, Molly & Lilly run in the same east coast circles while Mom is the celeb Dog Walker. Bone Jour & Pawz Collars make these ladies 'leaders of the pack'- and Lilly just 1 Degree of separation from guess who . . .
'Simply Me' Collection
Pawz Collection
'Simply Me' Collection
This beautiful collar was designed specifically for Licorice. Created with our 'LuvDog' antique silver beads accented with red and silver charms . . .named Simply 'Licky' after our LA Diva.
'LuvDog' Collection
Harper is always ready for her close up.
Showing off her Green and Gold Moxie Collar, accented with Glow beads for her evening walks...Saving her Dads favorite Purple, White & Silver Collar for Jersey Shore weekends.

'Simply Me' Collection
The colors for Jasper's collar are inspired by her Mom's hair salon Logo for Janet Waddell Studio NYC. When Jasper isn't working in the Studio, she's enjoying her Freedom Collar from the LuvDog Collection.

'LuvDog' Moxie Collection
Have to keep an eye on this smart pup. Yobi knows how to open doors and developed a knack for escaping.
He has real moxie and wears it well.

Simply Bone Jour Collection

" . . .Mom's planning a party. I don't see Treats on the List - Do you?"